Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Research doctorates are awarded in recognition of both mastery of research methods (as evidenced in class grades and a comprehensive examination) and academic research that is ideally publishable in a peer-reviewed academic journal, but that will minimally be assessed by submission and defense of a thesis or disseertation. The best-known degree of this type is Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) award throughout the world, others inlcude the U.S degrees of Doctor of Engineering (DEng) and Doctor of Science (DSc or ScD), the UK Engineering Doctorate (EngD), and the German degree of Doctor rerum naturalium (Dr.rer.nat).

The minimum time required to earn a doctorate varies by country, and can be a short as three y ears (excluding bachelor's and master's studies). However, some candidates can take anywhere from 5 to 10 years to complete. The median number of years to completion of doctoral degrees for all fields inthe US is 7 years. Students are discouraged from taken unnecessraily long to graduate by having their financial support (ex:- stipends, research funds, etc) relinquished. Further more, doctoral applicants were previously required to have a master's degree, but many programs will now accept students straight out of undergraduate studies.

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