Saturday, July 5, 2008


Most universities also offer a similar scholarship that matches the APA amount, but are funded The most common of these is the government-funded Australian Postgraduate Award (APA), which provides a living stipend to students of approximately AU$ 20,000 a year (tax free). International students and Coursework Masters students must pay course fees, unless they receive a scholarship to study their Ph.D. and Research Masters students in Australia are not charged course fees as these are paid for by the Australian Government under the Research Training Scheme. Australian-citizen and other eligible Ph.D.
scholarship is paid for a duration of 3 years, while a 6 month extension is usually possible upon citing delays out of the control of the student. An Australian Ph.D. Australian students are often also able to tutor undergraduate classes and do guest lectures (much like a teaching assistant in the USA) to generate income. For the latter, the amount is determined between the university and the organisation, but is quite often set at the APA (Industry) rate, roughly AU$7,000 more than the usual APA rate. These could include, but are not limited to, scholarships offered by schools, research centres and commercial enterprise.

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